Monday, November 18, 2013

Practical Reasons To Buy Reusable Grocery Bags

The more we hear about environmental problems and their impact on the earth the more conscious many people are in changing their habits. It seems more and more these days that plastic grocery bags are slowly fading off into the sunset. While they have proven to be very convenient they have outlived their purposefulness and have caused much more damage than many of us ever thought possible. In addition to the environmental reasons, there are also problems with cost to consider. That's why reusable grocery bags have been gaining in popularity over the years. According to Kate Pullen at,
"Plastic grocery bags are considered very much a part of life.... However, the potential harm that these plastic grocery bags can cause has been recognized and there is a current move to reduce the number of plastic grocery bags that enter the system every year. Using recycled grocery bags are one way to reduce the use of plastic bags."
While many people have thought that switching to paper bags would be more environmentally beneficial, it has been discovered that it takes at least four times as much energy as making plastic to produce. It is becoming evident that using reusable grocery bags is better for the environment all around than paper or plastic. Here are some reasons why.

Reduces Oil Consumption

Manufacturers of grocery bags use oil as a base for making plastic grocery bags and that's in addition to the amount of energy used to create them. As reported by the Department of Energy, 83% of the energy used in the US comes from fossil fuels. That means that the use of plastic bags is actually contributing to the nation's dependence on this constantly dwindling source of fuel.

Uses Less Landfill Space

When plastic bags are buried deep in the landfills without exposure to sun and light, it could take as much as a thousand years to decompose. When you use recycled bags wherever possible, you free up a lot of landfill space and can actually keep hundreds of bags from having to be disposed of in other ways.

Cash Benefits

It's true that money gets the attention of many people and now many stores are offering a cash incentive for bringing in your own reusable bag. Some stores offer cash back for every reusable grocery bag you use. This may not seem like very much but with just one shopping cart of food every week (approximately 5 bags) could actually save a lot of money over the course of time.

What to Look for When You Buy Reusable Bags

When you are ready to purchase your reusable bags try to buy those made from organic materials, preferably cotton. It is great for keeping chemicals away from the food and can be easily tossed in the washing machine if they ever get soiled in any way. You also want to buy those that have been made to be strong and sturdy. This way the bag will last for a long time; some have even lasted for years if they have been made well.

As we have become more aware of what non-biodegradable materials can do to our environment it is evident that we need to continue to keep adjusting so that we can claim our earth back. Joseph Erdos of the Huffington Post makes this comment about making a change,
"If you've made the switch to reusable grocery bags, then applaud yourself for being environmentally aware. But if you're still using plastic bags, read the facts and consider making the switch. Our world deserves to be treated better."

People are finally realizing that much of what we do for convenience has caused and is still causing harm to our environment. Gradually they are realizing that they have to be socially responsible and take care of the world we live in. Even little things, like reusable bags can make a major difference over time in claiming our world back.

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