Monday, December 23, 2013

Tips To Save Money On Your Promotional Bags

Although utilizing clever advertising techniques such as promotional bags can help your business stay on top by spreading its name through the many people toting it around town, they can be quite pricey to make over the long term. This is especially true if you feel like they aren't being carried as much as you'd like. You don't want to waste good quality products on people who aren't going to help represent your brand by carrying them around. Fortunately there are a few ways you can save money when ordering and distributing these products.

Buy Bulk

One way to save on your promotional bags as with anything else in advertising is to go bulk and order in a large selection at once to reduce costs in the end. It might seem steeper than ordering small term stock, but this prevents you from paying more than one fee for shipping as well as other fees that come along with your order. Heidi Thorne of Hub Pages writes:

"It may be tough to shell out funds for a large quantity order. But if you can project your use for a year and buy them all at the same time, you'll save by taking advantage of volume discounts and a single set up charge."

Of course you shouldn't order more than you're certain your company will use throughout the year. You don't want to lose money while trying to make money so run your numbers and do some research to determine these factors beforehand.

Be Picky

Get particular about who you're giving your merchandise to; yes, you want to see your name getting out into the world, but you don't want to see it crumpled up on top of a trash can at the next corporate gathering you attend. You can guarantee yourself less waste if you only give out these products to loyal customers who have spent a certain amount or been clients a certain number of years with the company. You could also base recipients on a draw so that the totes aren't just some random free item they got at a conference, but something won, which is always a little more fun to show off.

Decrease Color Count

Obviously ink costs money and this means that the more colors you want to utilize in your logo the steeper the price will be on the final product. Ecomarketing Solutions informs that:

"Many companies of all sizes have two logos available for advertising: one is often a one-color logo for yellow page ads and black and white forms; the other is a multi-color logo for printed material."

You've got to be careful here because you don't want to waste money, but you also want the product to look good and properly depict your company or business in a positive light. There's no point in creating promotional bags that don't promote, but rather send a negative message to the people you're looking to impress. The thing to remember is that if it costs more than the item being printed on to print something then it's probably not worth it.

Order On Time

Finally, getting your order in, whether it's bulk or otherwise, on time is pretty important, especially if you want to save some money on shipping. If you don't want to pay exorbitant prices for expedited freight bills then you need to give merchandise enough time to ship through the regular mail. This also guarantees you a level of calm in knowing that your equipment will be delivered before you even need it all, which means less of a rush when it comes time to sort and distribute everything.

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Why You Should Use Reusable Grocery Bags

We must all make efforts to make the world a better place. Going green is no longer some leftist, hippie nonsense, but rather something we truly must get behind. Our planet is starting to become one great landfill site and unless we make some real changes, we will end up with no place to leave behind for our children. A lot of green initiatives are expensive or difficult, but there are plenty of small things we can do as well, one of them being to use reusable grocery bags. Here are a few of the reasons why you should consider this.

1 - Understanding How Much Non-Reusable Bags Actually Cost

It seems like just a small plastic bag that you put in the rubbish, but try to think for a minute about how many plastic bags you throw away, perhaps even on a daily basis. Multiply that by the amount of people that live not just in our country, but around the world. Plastic takes years to disintegrate, but it can be recycled very easily. So why throw it in the rubbish at all? Think about the impact of plastic bags on nature for a minute.

"Public agencies in California alone spend over $300 million a year on coastal litter clean-up, at least 10% of which is washed-up plastic bags. Just think of how an extra $30 million could be redirected to, say, education."

2 - The Cost to Life

We know that plastic bags littering our coast lines and walkways are unsightly. Most of us also know that those bags, unless physically removed, will be there for many years to come. What many of us don't know, or don't consider for that matter, is just how damaging they actually are. We don't consider the impact on our wildlife for instance.

"It's estimated that 1 million birds and thousands of turtles and other sea animals die each year after ingesting discarded plastic bags."

That is a shocking statistics, particularly when you consider how easy it is to avoid it. Simply switching to reusable grocery bags is all that is needed in order to save turtles and birds, as well as fish and marine mammals. Some of these creatures are endangered and it would be a horrible legacy to leave to our children to know that we ended an entire species by discarding plastic bags instead of recycling.

3 - The Cost to You

One thing that drives almost everything in our society is money. None of us have enough of it, we all spend every waking moment thinking about it and we struggle through life just to make ends meet. Hence, knowing that switching to reusable grocery bags can actually save you money may just be that last little push you need in order to actually make the switch.

"Your weekly shop may use five or six bags; let's say these cost 5c each. 30c a week might not sound like much, but that's $15 a year that you could use for something else. Invest it in reusable bags that you can use at the market, carrying your library books... they're not just good for shopping."

Switching to reusable grocery bags is such a small thing to do, but it has a huge impact on the world. We treat the planet as though we own it and have another place to go, which is simply not true. This planet is all we have and we have a responsibility to make sure our children will have a place to live. A simple switch to something that makes your life easier as well will have a huge impact towards that.

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