Monday, October 21, 2013

Going Green And Buying A Reusable Shopping Bag

Over the past few decades we have come to realize that we all have our own carbon foot print on the planet. Pretty much everything we consume somewhere along the line contributes to greenhouse gas emissions which in turn contribute to the growing problem of global warming. There are many ways that individuals can do their best to contribute to slowing the advancing pace of global warming. From driving more gas efficient cars to reducing air conditioning and heating use, there are many simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

One simple and painless method of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to stop using disposable shopping bags. Disposable plastic and paper shopping bags are a surprisingly big contributor to pollution and litter. Every year, tens of millions of these bags are produced, used once and then thrown away. Many of them end up floating in sensitive ecosystems that cannot handle the influx of non-biodegradable plastics. Furthermore, plastic is a material that is a by product of oil. The last thing we need at his stage is to use more products that are made from oil.

So what is the quick and painless way to stop contributing to the harmful industry of disposable shopping bags? The answer is to purchase and use one or several reusable bags. Reusable bags are an incredibly simple answer to solving the problem of pollution and overconsumption of disposable shopping bags. By purchasing and using reusable bags, you are preventing hundreds of disposable bags from being produced and littered every year. It really is that simple.

Many grocery stores these days are offering incentives for people to bring and use their own reusable grocery bags. Still other stores are actually beginning to charge for the use of cheap plastic or paper bags, sometimes as much as 25 cents per bag. An even more dramatic example of the turning tide against disposable bags is the recent banning of plastic bags in the city of San Francisco. Numerous other small towns and counties have enacted similar bans or discouragements from using plastic bags.

It is a simple matter to get your hands on some quality reusable bags. Many grocery stores offer them for sale for very reasonable prices. There are also many reusable bag vendors that can be easily found and utilized online. Once you have purchased your reusable bags, you can rest assured that you are during your small part to combat the potentially disastrous consequences of allowing global warming to proceed unchecked.

Check out our website!

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