Monday, October 28, 2013

A Few Simple Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Recently there has been a growing surge in people doing their part to reduce to their own carbon emissions footprint. This is because most people have recognized that most of the things we do and consume on a daily basis have some impact on our environment. Conscientious individuals around the world are taking small and simple steps to reduce their own carbon footprints so that future generations are not condemned to an overly polluted world. So what are some of the simple steps you can take in order to participate in this growing trend? Read on to find out.

One thing many savvy shoppers have recently begun to do is to reduce their use of disposable plastic or paper shopping bags. Both plastic and paper bags ultimately have a negative impact on the environment. Plastic bags are made from oil byproduct and tend to be non-biodegradable. In large quantities they can completely clog up sensitive water ecosystems and they are deadly to many aquatic animals. Paper bags are made from wood and deforestation is also a big environmental issue at this point in time.

So how do you go about reducing your use of harmful disposable shopping bags? The answer is simple: Use reusable shopping bags. Many people today are making the admirable decision to switch over to reusable shopping bags in order to be more environmentally friendly. Reusable shopping bags are usually made of sustainable fabric materials. They are also very cheap. They usually range from between 25 cents to 2 dollars in price. This makes them an affordable and reasonable alternative to disposable shopping bags.

Another simple step you can take to reduce your carbon footprint is to reduce the amount of air conditioning that you use in your home. Air conditioning typically uses an exorbitant amount of energy. By setting your thermostat a few degrees higher or lower depending on the season, you can significantly reduce the amount of carbon based fuel that your home will consume each year.

Another reasonable step to take to be greener is to drive a more fuel efficient car or switch over to hybrid of full electric technology vehicles. This will significantly lower your yearly fossil fuel intake and will ultimately reduce the amount of money you spend on increasingly expensive gasoline.

If you were to make just one of these simple changes, you could dramatically reduce the amount of energy you consume in a given year and ultimate;y do your part towards being greener and more sustainable. 

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Going Green And Buying A Reusable Shopping Bag

Over the past few decades we have come to realize that we all have our own carbon foot print on the planet. Pretty much everything we consume somewhere along the line contributes to greenhouse gas emissions which in turn contribute to the growing problem of global warming. There are many ways that individuals can do their best to contribute to slowing the advancing pace of global warming. From driving more gas efficient cars to reducing air conditioning and heating use, there are many simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

One simple and painless method of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is to stop using disposable shopping bags. Disposable plastic and paper shopping bags are a surprisingly big contributor to pollution and litter. Every year, tens of millions of these bags are produced, used once and then thrown away. Many of them end up floating in sensitive ecosystems that cannot handle the influx of non-biodegradable plastics. Furthermore, plastic is a material that is a by product of oil. The last thing we need at his stage is to use more products that are made from oil.

So what is the quick and painless way to stop contributing to the harmful industry of disposable shopping bags? The answer is to purchase and use one or several reusable bags. Reusable bags are an incredibly simple answer to solving the problem of pollution and overconsumption of disposable shopping bags. By purchasing and using reusable bags, you are preventing hundreds of disposable bags from being produced and littered every year. It really is that simple.

Many grocery stores these days are offering incentives for people to bring and use their own reusable grocery bags. Still other stores are actually beginning to charge for the use of cheap plastic or paper bags, sometimes as much as 25 cents per bag. An even more dramatic example of the turning tide against disposable bags is the recent banning of plastic bags in the city of San Francisco. Numerous other small towns and counties have enacted similar bans or discouragements from using plastic bags.

It is a simple matter to get your hands on some quality reusable bags. Many grocery stores offer them for sale for very reasonable prices. There are also many reusable bag vendors that can be easily found and utilized online. Once you have purchased your reusable bags, you can rest assured that you are during your small part to combat the potentially disastrous consequences of allowing global warming to proceed unchecked.

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Shopping Bags As A Promotion Tool

Many people today are switching to using sustainably produced, reusable shopping bags. There are many different reasons for this trend, but probably the single most important reason is that people are recognizing that disposable plastic bags are not sustainable and ultimately damaging to the environment. With this in mind, savvy business marketers are finding a great promotional opportunity in reusable bags.

Reusable bags are being made and sold by more and more vendors. Some of these vendors specialize in customizable bags. These bags can have their material, color, and printed logo all fully customized. This means they can be used as an excellent promotional tool for a company or non-profit organization.

For a small fee, you can have a large quantity of customized reusable bags printed with your company’s logo printed squarely on the bag. This is a great opportunity for a bit of branding. Every time you or any other user of the bag goes grocery shopping, your company’s logo will be emblazoned right there on the bag for everyone else to see. This is an excellent way of getting a bit of free advertising.

In addition to making an excellent promotional tool, reusable bags are also highly sustainable and environmentally friendly. People who see your company’s logo on a reusable bag might be more likely to associate your business or organization with the popular green movement that has been taking place over the past few decades. This association can only be a good thing.

Reusable shopping and promotional bags come in a variety of different shapes, sizes, colors and prices. Materials ranged from cotton to various types of recycled plastics and other materials. Many of these materials are highly durable and you or other users of the bags will be able to expect many years of continued use. This is in stark contrast to the single use most people get out of disposable plastic bags.

 If you are interested in having your logo emblazoned on a reusable bag, head online to check out the variety of options you will encounter there. If you plan on giving out the reusable bags as gifts to your employees or customers, you might be interested to know that discounts are usually available for printing bulk quantities of customized reusable bags.

For a cheap and easy way to get a bit of positive name recognition, look no further than fully customizable and sustainable reusable shopping bags.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Advantages Of Reusable Shopping Bags

It has recently come to light that the quantity of disposable shopping bags used world wide is not sustainable and often times highly harmful to the environment. Reusable bags are made from plastic or paper, both of which ultimately are made from either oil or wood, respectively. These are very finite resources that we all need to do our best to conserve so that future generations may enjoy them as we have. One quick and simple solution to reducing the amount of disposable shopping bags that are used on a yearly basis is to switch over to reusable shopping bags.

Reusable shopping bags are the perfect solution to the problem of the overconsumption of disposable shopping bags. They are cheap and usually made from durable sustainable materials. Reusable shopping bags can usually be purchased in your grocery store of choice. Or if you prefer, you can go online to find a huge variety of reusable bags for sale. If you decide to go online, you can find reusable shopping bags ranging in price from less than a dollar to about three dollars.

Reusable shopping bags can be customized and given as gifts at corporate events. Many companies these days are utilizing reusable shopping bags and giving them out as freebies to employees. This is a wonderfully useful and cheap gift. Nearly everyone will go grocery shopping at some point, and when they do, having a sustainable reusable shopping bag on hand is an excellent way to prevent them from having to use harmful disposable shopping bags.

With so many people switching over to reusable grocery shopping bags, there has been a dramatic increase in the different materials and styles of reusable bag that you can purchase. Often you can choose your own color and size of reusable bag. You can also elect to purchase a reusable bag that is made from fully biodegradable or recyclable material. These materials include recycled cotton or jute.

While not all reusable bags are made from sustainable materials, the fact that you will be reusing them still contributes to reducing your overall carbon footprint. Simply making the decision to switch to using reusable bags is a great start on being greener and more sustainable. If you are wondering where to go to purchase reusable bags, all you need to do is type that term into a search bar and you will be directed to several retailers who specialize in selling these sustainable items.

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